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Five persons listed under the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011 – Iran Criteria

International relations

New listings

In accordance with item 4 of regulation 6 of the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011 (the Regulations), the Minister for Foreign Affairs (the Minister) has designated five persons for targeted financial sanctions and declared for travel bans (together 'listed'), by legislative instrument:

Iran Criteria

  1. A person or entity that the Minister is satisfied has contributed to, or is contributing to, Iran’s nuclear or missile programs.
  2. A person or entity that the Minister is satisfied has assisted, or is assisting, Iran to violate:
    1. Resolution 1737, 1747, 1803, 1929 or 2231 of the United Nations Security Council; or
    2. A subsequent resolution relevant to a resolution mentioned in subparagraph (i).
  3. A person or entity that the Minister is satisfied is engaging in, is responsible for or is complicit in, or has engaged in, been responsible for or been complicit in, any of the following:
    1. the oppression of women and girls in Iran;
    2. the general oppression of people in Iran;
    3. undermining good governance or the rule of law in Iran.
  4. A person or entity that the Minister is satisfied is assisting, or has assisted, Iran to threaten or undermine the sovereignty or territorial integrity of another country.

Listed Persons

  1. Ahmad TAHERI
  2. Ahmad NADERIAN
  3. Hossein AMJADIAN
  4. Mohammad ABDOLLAHPOUR
  5. Delavar ALGHASI-MEHR

Aliases for the abovementioned persons and entities are included in DFAT's Consolidated List.

Effects of designations and declarations

The effect of a designation under the Regulations is as follows:

  1. any person holding a 'controlled asset' (including an asset that is owned or controlled by a designated person or entity) commits an offence if they, without the authorisation of the Minister, uses or deals with that asset, or allows it to be used or dealt with, or facilitates the use of or dealing with the asset; and
  2. any person who, directly or indirectly, makes an asset available to, or for the benefit of, a designated person or entity, without the authorisation of the Minister, commits an offence.

The effect of a declaration under the Regulations is that the declared person is prevented from travelling to, entering, or remaining in Australia.

Application for revocation of a listing

A listed person or entity, or their authorised representative, may apply in writing to the Minister at any time to have the listing revoked. The application must set out the circumstances relied upon to justify the application.

Address to request a statement of case, make a submission or apply to revoke listing

By email to:

By post to:
Director, Australian Sanctions Office
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
RG Casey Building
John McEwen Crescent
Barton ACT 0221 Australia

Application for sanctions permit to use or deal with a 'controlled asset' or to make an asset available to a listed person or entity

The Regulations provide that a holder of a 'controlled asset' may apply to the Minister for a permit to authorise use of or dealing with the 'controlled asset'.
The Regulations also provide that a person may apply to the Minister for a permit to authorise a person or entity to make assets available to a listed person or entity.
Applications for permits must specify whether the application relates to a basic expense dealing, a legally required dealing or a contractual dealing as those terms are defined in regulation 20 of the Regulations. Applications may be submitted through DFAT's online portal, Pax.

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